How to manage your meat intolerance | Test Your Intolerance NZ | Blog

There is no magic button to press when you are suffering from intolerance symptoms, including headaches, bloated stomach, and even fatigue. BUT, if you can get the support which you need from your friends and family then you are already on the first step to success. Having a good support network to deal with your meat intolerance can make it much more achievable.

Secrets to success

If you have a good support network then you will be able to eliminate some foods from your diet that you never thought you would be able to. Just make sure you prepared if you have a meat intolerance. Check all the foods and ingredients that you are eating regularly, as well as your recipes so that you can see where you need to make the changes. That way, you can look for alternative foods to incorporate into your daily diet.

Keep track of your meat intolerance symptoms

You need to keep track of how you feel, and any changes you experience can be very useful to deal with. It can also provide a point of reference so that you can note when and where your meat intolerance symptoms start to stop. If your intolerance test has identified that you have an intolerance to meat.

Removal of meat from your diet

Sometimes, the only way to ensure that you do not suffer from any meat intolerance symptoms is removing meat completely. It is important that you do not succumb to temptation, and that you need to either hide or give away what foods are you eliminating.

Make an intolerance symptom chart

As we are all unique, different intolerances will affect different people. You need to measure what types of foods are causing your meat intolerance symptoms. To do this, alongside your symptom chart you need to order an intolerance test.

Order an intolerance test from to find out if you have a meat intolerance.