Fatigue | Why am I always tired? Test Your Intolerance | Blog

Why am I always tired?

 Everybody experiences fatigue due to stress, anxiety or a bit too much exercise from time to time. But, if you are feeling like you are extremely tired all the time and can’t figure out why it could be that you are dealing with a food intolerance and don’t know it.  The truth is, barely anyone thinks that fatigue could be caused by a food intolerance. Scientifically speaking, The most common cause is purely down to lack of sleep and that’s as far as it goes.  But, there’s more to that story and addressing those details could help you make sure that you are living the best version of it possible!

The new modern lifestyle

Modern life brings modern problems and  many people are suffering from fatigue due to lack of sleep as well as lack of quality sleep during the night. People’s work and social lives are becoming a lot more demanding and with the prominence of electronic devices, the world is always literally at our fingertips.  This will, over time and abuse, wear us all done. In fact, the number of people complaining about experiencing fatigue is higher than ever. Research suggests that 1 in 10 people are suffering from constant tiredness and that women are more than likely to be affected than men.

Having an undiagnosed food intolerance could also be creating unnecessary amounts of fatigue as well.  One of the most common symptoms of a food intolerance (next to digestion problems) is chronic fatigue, both mental and physical.  In fact, studies show that those who need help with dealing with fatigue most likely do have a food intolerance [1] (known or unknown).

More research into the link between fatigue and food intolerance tells us that fatigue does not cause a food intolerance and that they aren’t necessarily always linked together.  That is, fatigue does not guarantee that you have a food intolerance, and having a food intolerance doesn’t guarantee that you are always going to feel fatigued.  The research does support that fatigue is a physical symptom common with many kinds of severities of food intolerances, however [1].

Symptoms of fatigue

If you are feeling like you are suffering from fatigue but want to know more, take note if you are experiencing any or all the following symptoms:

  • Feeling tired
  • Feeling physically drained at any time of day
  • Unable to concentrate on a task
  • Taking longer than usual to complete simple, stress-free tasks
  • Feeling irritable and low mood

When studied in detail, the research supports that fatigue can come in a few different forms and each of these symptoms can fluctuate depending on what the main trigger is [2].  Fatigue can be any or all of these from day to day as well.

Experiencing fatigue as an intolerance symptom

So…why am I always tired?

Well, a food intolerance can cause you to feel lethargic and a bit upset mentally as well as emotionally.  If you can’t find out what could be causing it directly (such as having a bad day or being up all night), consider a visit your GP to rule out any underlying medical conditions. However, if you are continuing to experience prolonged tiredness day after day no matter how much you sleep or what you try to do to help you out, then it may be a good opportunity to have a deeper look at your diet and see what culprits are there. As fatigue is often caused by the food that you eat, an intolerance test would be extremely beneficial for you.  Most people don’t connect the two because often symptoms can take hours or even days to set in.  You simply see it as something you ate and now you’re tired.  Unless you’re food journalling, you may not make a connection between the two.

A weight off your shoulders

For those people suffering from fatigue that need relief and fast, it can be reassuring to discover what food intolerance items are causing those symptoms, as they can then see light at the end of the tunnel. Identifying these foods and eliminating them from your diet with the help of our test and its results, with help from our 30-day aftercare, will be the first step forward to improving your energy levels the right way.  You’ll be able to enjoy a better quality of life simply because you are treating your body better and are giving it what it needs to be at its best.

If you are looking to solve the symptoms of fatigue by figuring out what’s going on in your body, an intolerance test could be exactly what you need!  It’s cost-effective, fast, helpful and totally pain-free!  All you have to do is determine which test is right for you and start the process today.


[1] Manu, P., Matthews, D.A. and Lane, T.J., 1993. Food intolerance in patients with chronic fatigue. International Journal of Eating Disorders, 13(2), pp.203-209. Available at: https://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/abs/10.1002/1098-108X(199303)13:2%3C203::AID-EAT2260130208%3E3.0.CO;2-U

[2] Yoshitake, H., 1978. Three characteristic patterns of subjective fatigue symptoms. Ergonomics, 21(3), pp.231-233. Available at: https://www.tandfonline.com/doi/abs/10.1080/00140137808931718